Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Heart Family

Back in the 80s Mattel made some 11.5 inch dolls known as the Heart Family.

The link will have to do until I get a digi camera.

These dolls had a mommy, daddy, baby boy and girl. There were neighbor children and grandma and grandpa. I really did not want to encourage my girls to play with Barbies, but when this family came out, I thought it was too precious and perfect for my little Andrea. Mommy had long hair and wore those 80s style "Pentecostal Patty" dresses with the high collars and long sleeves. There was also the Heart Family Schoolhouse, which we gave Andrea since we homeschooled, and the Heart Family Nursery.

In our cleaning and downsizing and decluttering, we discovered a box in the attic with Andrea's Heart Family of 4 dolls...Mom, Dad, toddler girl, baby boy, and most of the accessories she had, including the school house. I emailed her to make sure it was hers since we had 3 daughters, and I was concerned maybe Tiffany had a set and it was hers. That maybe Andrea had given hers away, and I had forgotten. She was so excited to inform me that they were hers!

With our "Buy Nothing Family Christmas," this will be my gift to Miss Vivi. I think she will love having her Mommy's dolls to play with. I am looking to sew some more outfits for them, and Uncle Jon Jon is strongly considering building them a house of their own, leaving it for Vivi and Andrea to choose the decor and paint colors.