Thursday, January 8, 2009

Warnings to all Cave People!

The yellow sticky notes have "mysteriously" appeared in my kitchen!

"Keep me organized! Love, your Pantry"

"Wipe down inside and out after each use!" (on the new microwave and the stove top)

"Store and refrigerate leftovers properly"

"After using dishes, rinse thoroughly and load in the dishwasher!"

When Flylady said make these type reminders and post them, I was not too keen on it as they just look "cluttery" to me. But then I live with the cave people, so maybe for a while I can leave them up to get them into good habits. Plus, I cannot argue with success. Yellow sticky notes are a small price to pay for a gleaming microwave, stovetop, and sink; a well ordered pantry and fridge; and clean dishes facing me in the morning instead of dirty ones.

So far the family has been very supportive and the cave people are becoming civilized. There is a different "feel" to the kitchen, and I find we are all more at peace in here. True story, Andrea: Your dad sat at the table last night and ate a Daniel meal (church is on the 7 day fast). Melanie asked him to,and since he was late and we had already eaten, we sat here and talked and laughed quietly. It was quite pleasant. Afterward, everone did the proper thing with the left overs and dishes. I did not have to do anything but swish and swipe the counters, run the dishwasher, and set out a fresh kitchen towel for today.

When Melanie and I were evacuated for Hurricane Katrina, we lived in an adorable cottage in the country in Hineston. We both felt such peace there. Even when Jonathan visited at Christmas, he commented on how peaceful it was. I am sure part of it was being away from the tremendous amount of spiritual warfare we have in New Orleans, but that is not the whole of it because the land I live on in New Orleans is Holy Ground, sanctified and covered in prayers and love. I am convinced that a huge part of it was the lack of clutter. We only had necessities with us. We also had our routines to keep things organized and clean.

My secret goal this week was could I change the cave man and achieve that feeling in my own home here and now. I did not have to nag or say a single word to any of the cave people. The peace carried over in the form of good habits. Now my kitchen is a warm, delightful place to be. I force myself to wear my hearing aids so we can all speak quietly and I can play jazz or classical music in the background.

Hearing aids are such a conundrum. After the years of silence, the amplification of every sound to a normal hearing world level is unsettling and hard to adjust to. Yet, I hate missing things that are said. I hate speaking loudly. Ah well, the adjustment is a small price to pay for peace in my home.

Maybe it is true: if Mama is happy, everyone is happy!

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