Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mom In Chief

Major Kudos to First Lady Michelle Obama! Here is a woman with a Harvard Law degree who has publicly stated she plans to be Mom in Chief, first of all. Settling her girls and caring for them is her main objective.

Feminists have criticized her as living beneath her possibilities. I think she is living up to them. It takes a lot of dignity, courage, and intelligence to be a mom in this day and age. To make the choice to put your family first may cost something in the short term, but pays great dividends in the long term.

There are those who say it will be easy for her with all the"hired help," but they must have missed the memo where she has stated her girls will continue to clean their rooms and make their own beds. I think Mrs. Obama knows not everyone has the means and opportunity to juggle a professional and home life as well as she has. She has said as difficult as it was for her at times, she thinks how much harder it must be for some others without family, money, support available.

As her husband said, "I believe in the general theory that if Mom is happy, everybody's happy." I hope that translates into good national policy, which will improve the lives of countless Americans.

In a time when America needs strong family role models, Michelle Obama has a chance to lead the way to a stronger nation through stronger families. I wish her well.


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