Sunday, January 25, 2009

Inspired by Ashley (Mommy) Fowler

I was inspired by Ashley's blog on her husband to do one myself the day after my 31st anniversary.

Here are the things I love about my husband:

1) He loves God and serves Him willingly.

2) He always took me and my babies to church.

3) When I was in the hospital with difficult pregnancies, he was taking care of the other babies.

4) I never had to worry if he would go to work on any given day. He always worked hard to provide for us.

5) He supported my efforts to be a stay at home mom and to home school our children.

6) I have never ever had to clean vomit up after any one. He always did it.

7) He took time and effort to take us on vacations that were geared to the kids.

8) When Andrea and Douglas were 3 and 1, Douglas still nursed at night, and I helped out at the church school. We had a conference in Baton Rouge on a Friday and Saturday. My dear husband drove up to Baton Rouge after work and brought the babies so I could nurse my little fellow.

9) He is handsome and always dresses nice. He is also never loud or brash with other people. Manners and class are important to him in that he walk as a child of God with dignity.

10) Many families break up when a child has special health needs. Ours weathered the storms. On our wedding day, our pastor when praying the blessing on us, had a spirit of prophecy come on him. He said strong winds would blow against our marriage and when others would divorce, we would not divorce. That the trials would drive us not further apart but closer together and closer to God. Andrea as a child had a low stress threshold and did not tolerate certain chemicals in the air or her food or clothes well. Noises and colors were painful to her. She cried a lot and hated having clothes next to her skin as it hurt her. Daddy walked the floor after work and school with her singing, "Daddy's girl! daddy's girl! Daddy's little baby girl!" Douglas was diagnosed with childhood onset schizophrenia at 13, but when he was 15, we discovered he had XXY/XY mosaicism (Klinefelter Syndrome) and an atypical mental disorder. There were nights we could not sleep for watching over him, trips an hour away to the hospital to pick him up for Christmas or weekend leave, and the time dad had to have stitches in his head when he slipped and fell into the dresser while trying to stop Doug from hurting himself. Tiffany was born after I spent 6 weeks in the hospital in premature labor away from my family. She had a heart problem and then at 16 months developed a seizure disorder. God miraculously healed her of both when she was 3 and one day when Daddy got her out of the nursery at church and took her to the front for prayer. Pastor Michael Sartin said as they walked down the aisle that God had told him he was going to heal the Wilson baby, and He did! Jonathan had recurring ear infections and had to have tubes put in his ears at 2. Melanie has ADHD. Daddy was a strong and comforting force in all their lives through all the trials.

Now I am old and gray and sick, he is still here. I confess that I find myself looking forward to the empty nest stage of our life together.


  1. I am SO excited I inspired someone!!

    I have found that especially if I am having a frustrating day, if I will post something positive about my situation - i.e. the post about Bill, my attitude changes!!

    I love reading your blog and I also look forward to the "empty nest" with my hubby. I am also worried that I will just miss my children terribly!!

    Love you!


  2. Thank you, Ashley!

    You are quite an inspirational lady in my book! You motivated me to count blessings not aggravations! Oh wait that is another blessing. Aggravations are how oysters make pearls so my husband helps me make pearls in my life! Hehe

    You will miss the children, but the peace in knowing they are well and happy is beyond compare. Plus the best bonus is grandchildren! They are the most awesome blessings! I never believed that until I had one. Enjoy those babies!

