Sunday, December 14, 2008

Buy Nothing Christmas

Last year, we got emails from Andrea about how she was thinking about what she wanted to instill in our granddaughter, Vivian, and was requesting we all agree to Buy Nothing Christmases in our extended family from here on out. She sent us this link:

So all through this year, we have been giggling and plotting and planning what we are going to make for do for each person on our list. It has been a real joy for me to be a part of this. It gets us all back on the focus of what Christmas truly is about.

May your Christmas be merry and bright and may you remember Jesus is the reason for the season!


  1. Wait a second....Ya'll didn't like my idea at first....

    I am glad you like it now. It takes some getting used the end it "feels" better and you have more time to focus on family and the real reason we celebrate.

  2. Yes, I did!! I always did like the idea. It is my creative ability I do not like! :-)
