Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Wilson Homestead

Merry Christmas to all! I hope it is a joyous one for everyone!!!

This year, we decided to go to Andrea's the weekend before Christmas for our family Christmas gift exchange, and each have Christmas in our own homes. Vivian is older, and I sensed they would want to have their own celebration privately this year. Then, I am such a homebody, I wanted to be home on Christmas this year. I missed my Christmas traditions of a table loaded with Christmas punch and "snicky snacks" that were pushed to the side to play games.

I missed not being able to bring out my "Christmas dishes" and use them. I had wanted Christmas dinnerware for ages. One year when Andrea was a teenager, my father-in-law and his wife sent our family each a Kmart gift certificate for Christmas. After Christmas, I took the kids to Kmart to shop. Dean gave me his certificate and told me to buy my Christmas dishes with mine and his. I was elated to find a sale and bought a service for 8. Andrea remembered helping me pick them out.

It was kind of funny. I borrowed 4 gold chargers from Andrea since she was not having a Christmas dinner at her home this year for the 2 extended families and did not need all of her 12 that I had given her last year. I set my table with candles and my Christmas dishes and my napkin holders I had picked up at a sale after Christmas the year Vivian was born but was never home to use until now. Jonathan walked in and admired my handiwork, asking me if I had bought the Christmas dishes that day. I laughed and told him they were so old they came from the Kmart that no longer is but once was! He had forgotten ever seeing them so it was like having something new again. :-)

Anyway, last night after we played some cards (games are just not as fun without my entire hilarious family and Steven to tease us about "Wilson rules"), we watched some home movies since we were still sorting out some to put on DVD and to copy for Andrea. Melanie pulled out all the VHS tapes from the armoire that houses the entertainment center. She was so excited when she found one labeled "Christmas, 1990," thinking it was a home movie of her first Christmas.

First off the tape did not work, so Jonathan took it to his "workshop," and came back an hour or so later having repaired it. Proudly he popped it in and lo and behold! What to our wondering eyes should appear! Some family none of us have any clue who they are having Christmas in 1990. We laughed so hard! I told Jon he needed to look those people up because they had some nice looking teen daughters. He said,"Yea! Eighteen years ago! Get real, Mom!"

Tiffany and Andrea will never believe this, though: Dad let us open gifts last night for Christmas Eve!!!! Your dad finally bought be a lovely rocking chair with an ottoman. I have been wanting one for ages but always needed some new computer part or a whole new computer every year before now so had to wait.

Today I have a roast in the oven. Green beans have been simmering in the crock pot for about 24 hours. The 2 "kids" I have left at home wanted a traditional Wilson Sunday dinner of Roast, Macaroni and cheese, salad, vegetable, and rolls. I bought a sugar free pecan pie, and some sugar free carb smart vanilla ice cream for dessert. My weight loss has slowed down over the holidays, but I am proud to say it at least is continuing.

I told Vivian that next Christmas I planned to be as little as her mama. She was asking my why I was eating special food and had to know what each item I had brought was. She looked at me incredulously and said, "No way! You're too fat! " then giggled and ran off before I could kiss that little Sugar Bean.

I hope you all enjoy your families and make beautiful memories!

From the old Wilson Homestead, with love to all my offspring scattered far and wide!

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